10.25 Inch Seasoned Cast Iron Skillet. An enhancement for the first: the Cast Iron Skillet, highlighting a help handle. This....
10.25 Inch Seasoned Cast Iron Skillet. An enhancement for the first: the Cast Iron Skillet, highlighting a help handle. This will be your go-to search for gold to come. Handle length is 4.81 inch. At the point when profound broiling, fill cookware just to 1/3 of limit
Prepared COOKWARE. A decent flavoring has a significant effect. Hotel seasons its cookware with 100% vegetable oil; no manufactured coatings or synthetic substances. The more you utilize your iron, the better the flavoring will get.
MADE IN THE USA. Cabin has been making solid metal cookware in South Pittsburg, Tennessee (pop. 3,300) since 1896. With more than 120 years of experience, their cast iron is known for its brilliant structure, lifetime toughness, and cooking flexibility.
MAKE EVERY MEAL A MEMORY. Cabin realizes that cooking is about something beyond the nourishment; it's about the recollections.
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